What is matter made of
What is matter made of

Whether in clusters, galaxies, our own stellar neighborhood or our Solar System, we have tremendous. The interstellar and intergalactic medium is full of material, and the complete lack of these gamma rays is a strong signal that there aren't large amounts of antimatter particles flying around anywhere, since that matter/antimatter signature would show up. When the antimatter runs into matter in the Universe, it produces gamma rays of very specific frequencies, which we can then detect. We actually observe this annihilation in some locations, but only around hyper-energetic sources that produce matter and antimatter in equal amounts, like around massive black holes. Whenever and wherever antimatter and matter meet in the Universe, there’s a fantastic outburst of energy due to particle-antiparticle annihilation. This creation-and-annihilation process, which obeys E = mc^2, is the only known way to create and destroy matter or antimatter. reaction (right), with matter/antimatter annihilating back to pure energy. The production of matter/antimatter pairs (left) from pure energy is a completely reversible.

what is matter made of

But how did it happen? It's one of the Universe's greatest mysteries, but one that we're closer than ever to solving.

what is matter made of

Clearly, we exist, as do the stars and galaxies we see, so something must have created more matter than antimatter, making the Universe we know possible. Yet as we look at what's out there, we find that all the stars and galaxies we see are made 100% of matter, with scarcely any antimatter at all. When you look out at the vastness of the Universe, at the planets, stars, galaxies, and all there is out there, one obvious question screams for an explanation: why is there something instead of nothing? The problem gets even worse when you consider the laws of physics governing our Universe, which appear to be completely symmetric between matter and antimatter.

what is matter made of

NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

what is matter made of

galaxies to clusters to filaments and the great cosmic web, everything we observe appears to be made out of normal matter and not antimatter. On all scales in the Universe, from our local neighborhood to the interstellar medium to individual.

What is matter made of